During this series we will learn about 4 different tools we have been given to help with anxiety:
Thoughts{what we tell ourselves about ourselves vs. the truth}
Nutrtition {eating healthy and nutritious food, promoting gut health, omega 3s and vitamins}
Essential Oils {Using oils aromatically and topically}
Exercise {Being active and spending time outside}
{There is something so free about just being able to throw your arms open and smile... maybe spin around in circles too like when you were little for good measure :) Praying and hoping we can all be this kind of free!}
Excited to learn together and to add some more tools to the tool box, one tool at a time right :)
Love to you all and hope you have a great week! Tomorrow we'll begin the series taking a look at our thoughts and how they effect us - it's amazing how what we think and what we believe about ourselves and the world around us effect us in so many different ways.
P.s. I am really excited about this and wanted to share - at the end of this series I will be doing a giveaway on the blog to help equip you with some tools to get started or continue what you have already begun! To be entered into the giveaway you'll just need to comment on the one of the blog posts or on the Facebook post. If you feel lead to share the blog entry on your facebook page let me know that you did in your comment and you will recieve an additional entry! Will announce the giveaway as we get close to the end of the series!
** Note: I am not a doctor and cannot diagnose any condition or provide medical advice. Just sharing here what I have learned in the hopes that it might help others. Before starting anything new please make sure you are informed about the product, how to use it and any times the product should not be used such as when you are pregnant or breast feeding. If you have any questions about the use of any of the products we are talking about please feel free to message me and I will seek to get you the best answer.
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